Sunday, October 27, 2013

Blue Key Flows

Just flows here.  You had to deal with my hyper-dysgraphic scrawl for ballots--I'm sorry.  At Minneapple, I'll ask the tournament director if I can put everything online.  Joe Perretta does ballots that way, so how wrong could it be?

These flows represent the best I could do.  If you know you made an argument that's not there, that's either because I thought it was rehash or that I just missed it (that's more likely later in the day).

Specific refutations to arguments appear in the box to the right of the argument, just as in a standard flow.

In some cases, I've also included a wholly cosmetic RFD at the end of each ballot, which might be useful in understanding how I saw the arguments fit together.

Chamber C, Round 1
Horse vs. SEALs
No Such Agency's Contractors

Chamber H, Round 3
Later, NATO
Olympians Can't Outrun IRS
Make it qWICk
Mandatory Fun

You Bit Your Life
The Bill from Brazil
I Found it Derivative
Completely Mental

Super (First half only.  I didn't judge this, so it's even less relevant than usual)
Super Syrial, You Guys

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Ballots from Bronx 2013--how it works

In addition to the flows, I also typed up a ballot, since the legibility of my handwriting falls below the average judge's.

Email me at [thenameofthisblogwithnospaces] and I'll email you back with your ballot.

When you receive your ballot via email, please just pretend that you received it with the rest of your completely non-interactive ballots.  I don't have time to justify, defend, elaborate, or explain.  I'll stipulate that I'm probably completely wrong about everything except my praise for you.  Just take whatever you can from my feedback.

VIP eye-rolling notwithstanding (who am I kidding?--it's icing!), this is how I'll be doing things.

Flows from Bronx

Flows from Bronx.  So this was my first attempt at really flowing a round, and I think it turned out OK.  I'll create a standard template for next time.

How to read the flows:
Each flow is one debate.  Your initials appear beside your arguments.  Refutations to an argument appear to its right.  (Just like a standard flow.)

The arguments are grouped by type according to a simplification of the prima facie burdens from my ancient experience with policy debate.

If you know you made an argument and it's not on my flow, there's a chance I missed it but there's also a chance I thought it was too re-hashy to write down.  I have a little "RFD" at the end of each explaining how I would have voted based on the arguments I saw.

If they don't make sense--I'm sorry.  I can't take time to clarify.  It's the best I can do--something at least.

House D, Session 2:

Carbon/Nat. Gas/Cap and Trade

House B, Session 3
Electoral College


I can't seem to find Mideast.  If I find it, I'll update.

Here's Mideast:

I didn't flow the African Aid bill, though both speeches were high quality.