Monday, February 15, 2016

It's time for the circuit to get its head out of the sand

Denial ain't just that the thing you made up (from "The New York Times in 2015") about there not being any rivers in Egypt.

Harvard Quarterfinals A 2016

I came away with two frustrations which account for my role as apparently an extreme outlier in ranking the round:

  1. I wish y'all had debated the second bill as it was written rather than as if it were a big budget infrastructure bill.
  2. I wish I could ask for evidence I suspect is being either willfully or accidentally misinterpreted.  Get on it NSDA.  

Anyway, here's the link.

Harvard 2016 Chamber P Prelims Notes

Here's the link to the googledoc.

Please make use of whatever part of this feedback makes sense to you and ignore the rest.