Saturday, November 8, 2014

One Judge's Pref: Truly Random

I'll post the Minnie ballots when the rest of the ballots are distributed after awards.  The following has nothing to do with Minnie.

I understand that several POs are now using a randomizer app to set precedence.

Well done.

A full-on PO app with built-in randomizer, speech and question tracker, etc., is long overdue.

Anyway, if you PO in front of me while using this technique, I will smile upon you.

If you don't, I won't frown more highly than usual.  I usually rank POs after all of the excellent speakers unless there are serious errors, and that seems to be about right.  POs are important, but it's not an exceptionally demanding job, and too often it's a get-out-of-research free card.

(You get more credit for being the sole, reluctant PO than POing after winning a multi-candidate contest.)

I can imagine a PO using a transparent randomizer for setting precedence might vault ahead of even excellent speakers.