Thursday, October 17, 2019

Debate Dysfunction in the News

A colleague shared this story from NPR, which is worth listening to or reading.

Here's part of what I wrote in response:

Thanks!  I'd have totally missed this if you hadn't sent it.

This guy wrote a hilarious article about ten years ago for Harper's about how the hierarchy of events inside high school debate teams was ruining American political discourse.  Seems like I need to dust that off.  Probably wouldn't be as funny.  

My own take is that spreading isn't even metaphorically the problem. The common crisis shared by America and its biggest political game is that paraphrase has displaced quotation.  

I'd really like to Tweet this link out on the team account in part because some people would find it interesting but mostly just to needle people who think that spreading is not to be mocked.  

I'll add the book to my list, though.  Thanks again.